I'm trying to buy tickets online to the Prado Museum in Madrid and they require I enter a 'NIF/VAT' number before I can purchase tickets. What is this? Is it my passport number? The Alhambra required passport numbers to buy tickets online, but it was clear on the Alhambra website what they were asking for. The Prado website does not make it clear what number they want me to enter. Thanks!
NIF is our identity card number, you should use your passport number here.
If that field is a drop-down list, then select passport from the list and enter your passport number as Mike stated.
I bought tickets last week and pretty sure I just bypassed that. Are you sure it's required?
Thanks, everyone, for your responses. The 'continue' button was grayed out until I filled out the NIF/VAT field. I put my passport number in and was able to continue. I believe (hope!) this was the number they were looking for. I now have my tickets and we're looking forward to our trip to Spain!