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Planning 4-5 Days in Andalusia

Hi :) My family and I are taking a trip this summer and will be in the Andalusia Region of Spain for about 4-5 Days in early/mid June. We will begin in Seville and end in Tarifa to board the ferry to Tangier. Any suggestions?

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27455 posts

Don't waste time going to Tangier. See my response about Morocco in your other thread.

A good visit to Andalusia takes more than 4 or 5 days, by which I assume you mean "4 or 5 nights". Personally, I think 3 full days (4 nights) is the minimum for Seville. Cordoba needs a full day (better if you stay there 2 nights, but many people day trip from Seville, in which case Seville needs an extra night). Granada needs at least 2 nights; the Alhambra alone takes up a huge chunk of a day.

All of those places are vastly more worthwhile than Tangier, and they require much less transportation time as well.

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11369 posts

You should see Cordoba as a day trip from Sevilla or when transiting from Sevilla to Madrid . Granada and the Alhambra deserve a full day. Book tickets sell ahead for the Alhambra.
I agree 100% with everything poster acraven posted above. Andalusia offers so many high quality sites and experiences which you are skipping for touristy Tangier.

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4365 posts

If 4-5 days is all you have, I might recommend spending all your nights in Seville, with a long day trip to Cordoba. Adding anything more won’t really give you time to enjoy it.

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877 posts

A little earlier and you could catch the Romería de El Rocí pilgrimage at the end of this May.

The El Rocío pilgrimage is arguably the most potent visual representation of Andalusian culture, and it’s this, as much as religious zeal, that propels hundreds of thousands of pilgrims toward the shrine of the Virgin in the village of El Rocío. Some travel on foot, others atop elaborately decorated caravans. Many are on horseback: stiff-backed and spiffily attired riders in wide-brimmed hats, high-waisted paseo trousers and cropped guayabera jackets.

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8 posts

In Seville: Monumental Ensemble of Saint Louis of the French is outrageous! I believe its known as the Sistine Chapel of Spain! Highly recommend it! The Royal Alcazar is awesome too. I really enjoyed walking around where my Air B-n-B was located (Las Setas - San Juan de la Palma) which allowed for a 30 or so minute walk to most destinations for me.