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Places to stay out of the heat in Cordoba

Looking for suggestions about where to avoid the heat while in Cordoba, from about 12:30 to 15:00. Would prefer to be near train/bus station as train will be around 15:00.


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5217 posts

I referred to your previous post where you mentioned that you wanted to get to Córdoba earlier to visit the Mezquita en-route to Madrid.

Have you considered taking the earlier train to Madrid?

You don't mention the date of travel but there are AVE trains departing Córdoba at 12:56 and 13:28.
The 13:28 train does not appear to run every day.

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21 posts

Hi, we will either take the 12.56 or the 15:00 train to Madrid. I was thinking that it might be possible for us to enjoy some more of Cordoba, then go get our bags from the locker and find a cool and comfortable place to sit while we wait for the 15:00 train. The 13:28 doesn't run that day. One option is the department store, but I think that's too far away (granted we could go by taxi). Another option is a restaurant nearby if open at that time. But was hoping someone might have something more specific they know of.

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16893 posts

Well, I don't like to skip lunch and this will be lunchtime at Spanish restaurants. Rick's book specifically mentions air conditioning at the touristy Bodegas Mezquita, but I think that it generally won't be hard to find AC in restaurants, including in the remodeled train station or at the Mercado Victoria in the park. A free, comfortable seat without buying anything is harder to find.