Looking for recommendations for a guide to do a Pintxos tasting in San Sebastian.
Devour runs one, https://devourtours.com/destinations/spain/san-sebastian/
They would be my choice.
You can also do it yourself, there are lots of YouTube videos and blogs listing places and what to eat. James Blick, associated with Devour Tours has a couple on his Spain Revealed YouTube channel. I also found this app helpful https://pintxos.es/en/ it lists restaurants and some of the best pintxos, with descriptions and pictures. The only caveat is that I am not sure how up to date it is.
In 2017 I visited San Sebastian with my parents (I'm middle-aged, they are obviously older than that). They like tours, so I felt that doing a private pintxos tours would be something they would enjoy - and we all did! We used San Sebastian Pintxos Tours, http://www.sansebastianpintxos.com/index.php/en/pintxos-and-tapas-private-guided-tours-en. Our guide taught us a lot of history of the Basque Country and a lot about the pintxos experience and specific items, as well as her own life experiences. I have been back to San Sebastian several times since then, and I think back to our tour each time I'm there, experiencing it without a guide but with other family members.
Eskerne Falcon is a great guide in Donostia-San Sebastian and she will show you the best places, at www.discoversansebastian.com. If you want to do it on your own, you may want to do it the local way: pintxos are not a meal for us, we have them before lunch (pintxos time start around 1230 and ends around 0230pm; in the evening it´s typical to have them around 7pm until 9pm, more or less) or dinner, it´s a way to socialize with family and friends while having a drink going from one bar to another. Typically, we would have just one pintxo per bar, with a drink (a small beer, a wine, or natural cider), always standing and very rarely sitting down. And we like to visit four or five places during pintxo time. A very lively time for pintxos is from noon till around 3pm on Saturdays and Sundays, during the "aperitivo" or "vermú" time before lunch, lots ot atmosphere in any Basque or Spanish town.
Pintxos are different from place to place and the choice is huge, I´d recommend not to have more than one per place, so you can taste a few specialties. In case you visit any other Basque city or town, pintxos are found everywhere.
You can find pintxos on the counter, many different types, or those written on a list on a blackboard. These last ones are kind of newer and more expensive, to be eaten with a fork and a knife...but again, locals rarely seat, we have them at the counter (most bars will have few tables to sit down).
Donostia-San Sebastian has become quite touristy in the past few years, so bartenders will try to give you a plate so you can stuff it with 5 o 6 pintxos...I´d avoid this plate, solely intended at making you buy as many pintxos as possible in that place. Instead, just point at your desired pintxo on the counter and have that one in that place, and a different one in another place.
The old quarter is more famous, but again, maybe a bit too touristy, so make your choice of a few good places and enjoy!! (other areas like Gros and Egia offer great places too, much off the beaten path)
Try Airbnb experiences. We had a fabulous tour which ended at a private eating club.