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Here's the answer: pay or not for reserved seat on Ouigo train ?

We don't want to pay to select seats on an Ouigo train trip from Barcelona to Madrid in October. Will the online system assign us seats after we pay for our tickets (like airlines) ?

In answer to my own question: we just purchased our tickets without paying for advance seat selection. After payment, we received our tickets by email & had seats assigned to us & are seated right next to each other in "standard seats".

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11731 posts

No personal experience and the Ouigo site seemed bereft of info, but I suspect you can opt out of paying for a seat choice, but I would not rule out you that may not be seated together if it is left to the computer system to assign seats.

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1071 posts

You need a seat. This is very high speed train (over 200kmh) and they wobble quite a bit.

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461 posts

We do want to be assured of seats but would like to avoid paying for seat selection. Just wondering if, like airline tickets, if you don't choose to pay for advance seat selection, will the train company automatically assign seats after payment? We have attempted to research this, but have been unsuccessful so far.

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10527 posts

Yes, they assign seats. However, a few of the train cars, not all, have three- across seating. Due to that, I always reserve to be sure I’m not stuck in that configuration.

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461 posts

It might not be evident, so just adding a reply to mention that I found the answer to my question and typed it above...right under my question in the question area. Hope you can see it.