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Park Güell tickets

Is it really possible that Park Güell tickets with the guided tour option are already sold out through May 12? Seems odd.

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28898 posts

Pure speculation on my part: Perhaps they do guided tours only on weekends in February and March and don't yet have tour tickets loaded for April and May. I see regular entry tickets available for every day between now and May 12.

Although tours do sell out earlier than regular entry tickets at some sights, this would be extraordinarily early for a sellout at Parc Guell. It sort of defies belief that the entire month of April, plus the first 12 days of May, are sold out, along with all weekdays in February and March.

I think you need to keep an eye on that calendar. I assume your back-up plan would be to buy a regular entry ticket. As you can see, at the moment it's no problem to do so. Just keep watch for the tours to open up and monitor the availability of regular entry tickets in case you need to go that way.

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59 posts

Makes more sense, so thanks for your feedback. The venue ignored my email question. I’ll have to be more patient.

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3 posts

It does seem unusual for guided tour tickets to be completely sold out this far in advance. Park Güell is a major attraction, but it typically doesn’t sell out guided tours that quickly. I agree that it’s likely a case of them not having released all the tour slots yet rather than them actually being sold out.

If you’re set on a guided experience, you might also check closer to your visit date—sometimes additional spots open up as schedules get finalized. Otherwise, the regular entry ticket is still a great option, and you can always use an audio guide or explore at your own pace.

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1 posts

When I first looked, the tickets appeared all sold out for regular tickets and guided tours for the month of April when I will be there. I emailed the person from RS who sent the notice about no group tour to Park Guell, telling her that I was surprised that tickets appeared to be sold out. She sent me a link to the site, and using that link, I was able to purchase regular entry tickets. Go figure.

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1 posts

Hi Jhillery, I'm encountering the same problem as I'm looking for guided tour options of Park Guell but they all seem to be sold out for the entire months of May and June. Curious if you found out whether the guided tour tickets become available if we wait?

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271 posts

Do I understand that now you cannot walk into Park Guell on your own? You need to book in advance?

Why would anyone need a tour?

Posted by
59 posts

Icuzens, my hunch is that they open the guided tours for Park Güell in April, but they never responded to my email. However, I decided not to take a chance. I bought tickets online for admission in early May, and I opted to buy very reasonably priced guided tour tickets for Sagrada Familia on its website. Hope that helps.

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675 posts

Why would anyone need a tour?

Because the area you want to see is the Monumental Area designed by Gaudi. The guided tour we took was informative and well worth the cost.

If you don't have access to the monumental area, then it's is just a park with trees and hilltop view.

It looks like now you can get a self-guided audio tour.

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1386 posts

^^^^ I am confused. Is this a suggestion that with a timed admission ticket to the Park Guell, a visitor is denied entrance to monuments such as the staircase, entry pavilion, porter's house, etc? In other words, a guided tour provides extra access?

This was not my experience. With a timed admission ticket, I had access to the "monument area" as well as the green spaces.

The guided tour is made available for those who wish a guided tour of the monuments and Gaudi info. If you have done your own research, are familiar with Gaudi and his work, or are not interested in being led, a guided tour will not provide any additional benefit.

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351 posts

ORDTraveler's reply above was our experience in Park Guell. We bought the "basic" timed admission. We wandered the "free" part before heading to the area covered by the entry "ticket". It was not necessary to have a guided tour unless you really want a guided tour, since the RS book plus other online options offer lots of info for "free".

Park Güell Visit
It includes:
- Self-guided tour of Park Güell. The ticket allows access to the area where most of the well-known works by Antoni Gaudí, declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO, are located, as well as the green areas and some of the best panoramic views of the city of Barcelona.
- The ticket price includes VAT