Looking for some help!
I am trying to decide where/how to best maximize our time in Spain (Thanksgiving 2018). I lived there over 20 years ago, so some of my memory is a little faint! I have seen most of the big sites, but my family has never been and I want them to experience Spain and hopefully love it as much as I have. We would like to find some off the beaten path things to do, not just going to museum after museum. Our trip will definitely include some La Liga games once the schedule is released.
Our family enjoys:
- Food & cooking
- Wine
- Exploring
- Historical towns
- Castles & ruins
- Adventure in nature, horseback riding, ecoturism, etc.
- Shopping
- Meandering through quaint little towns and enjoying the culture
- Soccer!
- Hotels/AirBnB/Pensions that are UNIQUE!
So, my questions are:
1- Recommendations on what region to focus on? Looking at the weather, it seems that it will be upper 50's to mid 60's, so beaches areas are out
2- Any great tours or experiences that might fit the interests above?
3- We have driven throughout Europe, so don't mind it to reach other sites that may not be on main train routes.
Any advice would be fantastic!