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Northern Spain west of Bilbao--South of Santander--Cave Paintings--Rock-Cut churches on Ebro River

We will wrap up our 3-week driving trip around Spain (starting in Barcelona) with a few days on the northern coast before heading into France. Madrid to Burgos to Bilbao is the direct route. Or we can swing west toward Reinosa and try to see rock-cut churches (along the Ebro River? I can only find a photo of one, in Sainte Marie d e Valverde/Cantabria) and a replica of prehistoric cave art in Santillana del Mar. Then west from Santander area to Bilbao. We only plan to spend 2-3 days in Bilbao/San Sebastian. Trip is in spring.

Question: any info on Rock-cut churches? are they worth seeking out? and how about the cave art? We like going off the beaten path, Just wonder if this sidetrip is really worth it, and how long to plan for it. Thanks!!

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East of Burgos is Ermita De La Virgen De La Peña in Tosantos. It was closed when we visited, but was still worth stopping at. Another is the Sanctuary of Covadonga in Picos de Europa park. The only other rock cut chapel I’ve been by (that I can remember) is Ermita de Nazaret in Daroca, but you won’t be in that area. It too was closed when we were there, but the town was nice and had a decent main street.

Since you’ll be in the area, consider visiting the Cueva del Agua (water cave) in Orbaneja del Castillo. Also, there is Ermita rupestre de San Martín in Villarén de Valdivia.

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DB, the valley you are looking for is called Valderredible. It is a very steep valley, and the Ebro flows through it.
There are two San Martins. The one Jaime mentioned, and Colegiata de San Martín de Elines, which is very beautiful. The Cueva del Agua, and Orbaneja del Castillo are worth the visit. It is located at the east end of the valley.

If you like caves, I would suggest the Cueva de los Franceses, which is on the west side of the valley, above on the south "rim". There is also an incredible overhanging viewpoint there, Mirador de Valcabado.

Have you thought about visiting Atapuerca?

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43 posts

Thank you for this wealth of information. I finally found photos of the churches. And the archeological site is fascinating! More hard choices. Thank you!

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848 posts

I would ignore the cave museum of Altamira and would visit instead the nearby caves of Las Monedas,cEl Castillo and Covalanas. AMAZING cave paintings.