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Northern Spain - Asturias vs Basque Country

Tentatively booked to stay in Asturias this Oct. I like to explore one region exclusively on my trips.

Which region do you prefer? I have researched both extensively. Just looking for some opinions on which you like better and why?

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4136 posts

I think I like Asturias (and Cantabria) a little better. I find the landscapes more dramatic, the food more robust/memorable, the towns less touristy, with more opportunities for exploration and go off the beaten path.

Of course the Basque Country is a very nice place to visit too, but I feel is a bit over hyped.

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434 posts

Just got back from northern Spain and I really liked Asturias. I really only saw Mundaka and Bilbao in Basque region, and they were great, but Asturias was interesting, especially if you like outdoor activities. I’ll put up a trip report with thoughts when I can, but Cudillero was fantastic for food and location, and Los Picos de Europa are beautiful mountains for hiking.

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7049 posts

Asturias is fairly small so, expand your choice to Cantabria and parts of Galicia. Either option works and there is plenty to see across the entire northern coast. If using public transportation, connections and schedules might help you decide. I always have a rental car and have no preference of one over the other.