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no train from granada to ronda

we are planning a 3 week trip in sept/oct to spain.
we wanted to leave granada for ronda via train. i called renfe and the train is no longer running. does anyone have recent experience with going from granada to ronda via bus? the renfe agent told me the buses now run from the granada train station and take 2 hours. i couldnt find any info online

Posted by
984 posts

There are certainly three journeys per day available which can be seen on the RENFE website.
Very surprised you have not found the subject discussed as the bussing from Granada station and then change back to train for the final leg of any journey has been the case for perhaps eighteen months. Nothing will change until the new AVE network is complete.
I suggest something has been lost in translation with the agent or you are looking too far ahead for dates which are not yet published.

Posted by
5316 posts

I think Neil hit the nail on the head, when he wrote this:

I suggest something has been lost in translation with the agent or you are looking too far ahead for dates which are not yet published.

I search the Renfe website & only found the train schedules (Granada>> Ronda) up until September 18th.

I saw your other post where you mention that you plan to travel on September 19th.

So... I decided to call Renfe (I speak Spanish fluently) & was told that not all train routes have been posted yet.

The Renfe agent explained that not all the schedules are posted at the same time, but to wait a week or so before checking again.
She also mentioned that the railway renovations on this route may be completed in the near future & thus there will be direct trains traveling the Granada to Ronda route, instead of the Bus/AVE combination that presently exists (Granada to Antequera Santa Ana via bus, then transfer to MD or ALTARIA train to Ronda)

If you check the Renfe website, there are a couple of trains traveling the Antequera Santa Ana >> Ronda route (September >> November).

So, worse case scenario...

You can always take the ALSA bus from Granada to Antequera, then the train from Antequera to Ronda.

Here is the ALSA website:

Bottom line: I'd keep checking the Renfe site (wait a week or so), for train schedules to get posted for the rest of September.

Don't forget to book your Alhambra tickets now, if you haven't done so already! ;-)

Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
55 posts

Thank you for the very useful information here, as I too am having trouble locating any train services from granada to Ronda-22 September!
Good luck, Rich.

Posted by
5316 posts

Rich & NewZealandRose,

The Renfe website has posted the train schedules for the rest of September.

There are three trains traveling the Granada to Ronda route. When you check the train schedules, you'll see a small icon (circle with red exclamation mark) before the time of departure, which when clicked, explains that all passengers will be transported via bus from Granada to Antequera Santa Ana station. You will then travel via train ( from Antequera) to Ronda.

If you want to arrive to Ronda earlier, you can buy separate tickets; Granada ( departing at 8:43AM) to Antequera Santa Ana, then Antequera Santa Ana ( departing at 11:18AM) to Ronda.

John on this thread has chosen to buy his tickets separately as explained above.

You will have to wait for about an hour, at the Antequera station, but you will arrive to Ronda at 12:20pm.

If you don't want to buy separate tickets, you can choose to depart Granada at 12:45pm, & you'll arrive to Ronda at 3:45pm.

Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
2 posts


I was wondering whether you did this traject? I am planning to do the same next week, but the information on the renfe site is not clear at all. There is this info message when you want to order tickets for the train "Granada - Ronda". So it's not clear whether we can take the train at Granada, or first have to take the bus or something. Also is the bus in front of the train station in Granada (and which station would that be).

This is the message: Los viajeros cuyo viaje transcurra por el tramo antequara Santa Ana, Antequera Ciudad, Loya y Granada realizaran dicho tramo par carretera (bus). No se admiten animales domesticos, bicicletas ni se presta el servicio de menores sin acompanamiento.

Thank you!!

Posted by
984 posts

You take a bus from outside the only bus station in Granada and change to train at Antequera. The journey takes the same time as indicated on the RENFE site, simple.

Posted by
5316 posts


I must respectfully disagree with the first part of Neil's comment:

You take a bus from outside the only bus station in Granada and change to train at Antequera.

When you buy your train ticket departing from Granada & arriving in Ronda, it will be a bus/train combination. This ticket will entitle you to travel via bus from Granada's train station (not the bus station) to Antequera's train station where you will transfer to a train which will take you to Ronda.

I just called Renfe (in Spanish) @ +34- 902 320 320 to confirm this information.
When you arrive at Granada's train station, you can ask where the bus (supplied by Renfe) is located, but it will be adjacent to the train station.

Hope this helps ;-)

I will send you this information via PM also.

Posted by
984 posts

Quite right, I said bus station, instead of train station. Nothing has changed since my reply several posts back.

Posted by
4181 posts

The last three posts raise a question . I have Renfe tickets , Granada to Ronda , for October 5 . I have encountered trips over the past several years where there was a bus substitution on a given leg . In such instances , the bus always departed from the train station where the train leg ended . Checking my Renfe tickets , there is no indication that I need to go to a bus station remotely located in relation to the train station printed on my ticket . Priscilla' s response makes logical sense , therefore , Neil , can you prov i de information to justify your response ? You seem quite certain in your post ab out the bus station , and it would be a major inconvenience to go to the bus station , one half hour from the train station , unnecessarily . Thanks in advance for your reply .

Posted by
5316 posts

Regarding Neil's last response:

Quite right, I said bus station, instead of train station. Nothing has changed since my reply several posts back.

Read his first response above ( the first one on this thread) where he explains the need to take a bus from Granada's train station. So, I think it was a typo when he wrote bus station instead of train station (on his second response)

Anyway, as aforementioned on my previous post, I already confirmed this information with Renfe.

You can call Renfe at the phone number given if you'd like.

I'd suggest you go to Granada's train station the day before your trip to Ronda & find out exactly where the bus will be, but as the Renfe representative has explained to me, the bus will be at Granada's train station.

When we were in Granada last October, we did not travel to Ronda, but we did travel to Sevilla via bus, because I didn't want to bother transferring from bus to train (since I was traveling with my 80+ year old mother)

Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
4181 posts

Priscilla , many thanks for your help . Neil's repeated insistence piqued my curiosity , and since I don't like to take a rigid stance , asking for a further explanation seemed appropriate . We arrive in Granada on October 1 , and will confirm the bus before leaving the train station as you suggest .

Posted by
5316 posts

You're welcome Steven!
Please come back & give us an update upon your return ;-)
