I now have us flying into Madrid on the 22nd. Staying in Madrid for 3 nights with a side trip to Toledo. Then rent a car and drive to Barcelona and drop it off. In Barcelona for 4 nights with a side trip to Sitges and Montserrat. Rent a car and take a scenic route via Valencia stay there. Then drive through Murcia to Granada stay there 2 nights. Ronda for 2 nights. Sevilla for 2 nights.
6/22 arrive in Madrid
6/23 Toledo
6/24 Madrid
6/25 drive to Barcelona
6/26 Barcelona
6/27 Sitges
6/28 Montserrat
6/29 drive to Valencia
6/30 drive through Murcia to Granada
7/1 Granada
7/2 Granada
7/3 drive to Ronda
7/4 white hill towns
7/5 drive to Sevilla
7/6 Sevilla
7/7 leave.