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Need help with train/bus schedules

I need a little help here! I am trying to figure out 2 legs of our trip: Sevilla to Ronda- For a train, I find nothing on the Renfe site, I just get a message saying "The consulted train is not available for sale right now , please try later and apologize for the inconvenience . Either there is no direct connection (see same path with transshipment )" and for a bus, on the site it only shows 2 buses, both arriving at 7:45pm which is too late (we had planned to explore Ronda that day). We really had planned to take a bus; the RS book says there are 8/day. Is there another good site for figuring out a bus trip Sevilla to Ronda? Then for Ronda to Granada, the only train I can find is early, 7:53am, which would cut into our planned breakfast overlooking the gorge at our hotel. RS lists 3 trains/day - maybe the others are sold out. I don't know why I didn't get this booked when I bought all my other train tickets, somehow it got overlooked. And when I try to find a bus, I keep getting an error message.
Are there other sites to check into trains/buses? The tickets are for Oct. 5 and 6, two weeks away. But I also checked for next week just to see the schedule in case it was too early to buy tickets. I am actually fine with waiting to buy tickets until I get there but I wanted to know the schedule ahead of time. Any help is appreciated. I thought I would sit down this morning and get it checked off my list but instead I have spent more than an hour going back and forth between sites, getting frustrated!

Posted by
5316 posts


There is no direct train route from Sevilla to Ronda, so it's best to travel this route via bus.

You can only book Los Amarillos bus tickets a week in advance. You can check bus schedules for a date within a week from today to get an idea of times available.

You can also buy your bus tickets when you get to Sevilla at least a couple of days before traveling.

There are three trains/day ( 7:53, 13:36 & 17:13)traveling from Ronda to Granada. Presently the railway on this route is undergoing renovations, so you will travel via train from Ronda to Antequera Santa Ana (station), where you will transfer to a bus which will take you to Granada's train station.

You can book your train tickets here:

I hope you've already booked your Alhambra tickets ;-)

Posted by
7175 posts

Trains on current schedule

AVE 2091
Arr 10:26 CORDOBA-CENTRAL (Spain)
ALT 9366
Dep 10:39 CORDOBA-CENTRAL (Spain)
Arr 12:20 RONDA (Spain)

Dep 13:36 RONDA (Spain)
Arr 16:10 GRANADA (Spain)

Posted by
63 posts

Thanks to both of you! I right away pulled up the renfe site (same as this morning) and voila, it was all right there. I have no idea what was happening this morning when only the early train showed up. Regarding buses, I didn't realize they don't even seem to show the schedule for a full week out. Meanwhile, since the only buses/trains I found this morning put us in Ronda from 7pm to 7am, we started thinking about renting a car. So that's where we are now, deciding. We'll sleep on it and either book a car or train tickets tomorrow (bus tickets later). Gracias!

Posted by
5316 posts

I'm confused by your comment here:

Meanwhile, since the only buses/trains I found this morning put us in Ronda from 7pm to 7am, we started thinking about renting a car.

When I check the Amarillos bus schedule, it shows 7 buses/day ( 7:00, 9:30, 10:00, 11:00, 15:30, 17:00 & 18:00) departing Sevilla to Ronda.

Posted by
63 posts

Priscilla, I think I am more confused than you. Maybe I am not on the right website. It's but at the top of the page it says Los Amarillos (first typed in which changed to which had a link for los amaryllis online sales). Tonight when I tried to see the schedule for the rest of this week or early next week, I just get a message that says the station is temporarily closed, both for the Prado and Cruce stations. This afternoon when you first posted, I was able to see the schedule. I feel like I am in a Twilight Zone episode. I now have sympathy for people who post who can't figure out how to purchase tickets for things that seemed perfectly clear to me. Regarding my earlier statement, at one point this morning it showed only one bus available and it arrived in Ronda around 7pm.

Posted by
63 posts

Hmmm - could a different server make a difference? I switched from Safari to Chrome and just got a full schedule.

Posted by
63 posts

Hmmm - could a different search engine make a difference? I switched from Safari to Chrome and just got a full schedule.

Posted by
5316 posts


I don't think a different server would make a difference, but who knows.

At work I use Google Chrome but at home I use Firefox.

I gave you the Los Amarillos website on one of my previous posts.

Anyway, whatever you decide, bus vs. car, I hope you have a great trip!

Posted by
11294 posts

Jennie: it's not a server or a search engine you're referring to, it's a browser. And yes, it can make a difference. Whenever I have trouble with a website, particularly one from another country, I have found that changing browsers can help. I make sure to keep several different browsers on each device; I haven't found any consistency as to which one works better.

Posted by
63 posts

Priscilla, I know you already gave me a site but I kept thinking I was doing something wrong. I appreciate your input, not only in answering my questions, but also your replies to others. You always seem to give good advice.

Harold, now I know to try a different browser (and I know the correct term!) if I have trouble again.

Posted by
5316 posts

Just wondering... What did you decide?

Did you book your Alhambra tickets? ;-)

Harold, thanks! A browser... That's it!