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More accurate weather forecasts for Spanish cities

I know that weather forecasts are not always fully reliable, but I would like to know which websites provide better predictions. For example, for Swiss locations, Meteoblue and Meteoswiss are superior to international websites such as accuweather. So, are there equivalents for Spain? Thanks.

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1009 posts

I found weather-dot-com very accurate for my recent visit. No less so than Spanish websites, but maybe I was lucky.

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6978 posts

Forecasts are good for getting an idea temperature range, but that’s about it. The best forecast is walking outside from your hotel in X Spanish city. Guaranteed to be accurate. Joking aside, I use the Weather Channel app, but don’t plan my activities around what it says.

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1601 posts

Gracias! I am evaluating whether to do a 2-night stay in Toledo. The weather forecast says sunny but the temperature is high. My SO is against this idea as he is afraid of heat.