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7457 posts

Remember that the flooding was in the province of Sevilla, not the city. The video is a town south of Cordoba and well East of Sevilla city. Still terrible, especially with the outbreak of West Nile Virus in Andalucia; in two towns just southwest of Sevilla city.

For those following COVID, Spain reported 2,987 new cases on Friday. The most new cases were reported in the regions of Madrid, 731; Pais Vasco, 480; Aragon, 481; and Andalucia, 244. Cataluna reported 169 new cases.

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1330 posts

Thank you for the video. It does look grim. Flash floods aren't unknown in Spain in the Summer, however.

As Jaimeelsabio writes, the town where the first part of the video was shot, Estepa, is in Seville province but some distance from the city, about 100km. Estepa is worth a stop for anyone driving between Sevilla and Granada as its on a main route and about the half-way point. Its an attractive town to wander around for a few hours. I don’t recall any major, "wow" sights but there are plenty of places for lunch and some old buildings from the Golden Age. Today, it has two claims to fame. Firstly it was a Punic town (nothing remains), where according to legend, the citizens committed mass suicide rather than be taken over by Rome. Secondly, it makes a traditional Christmas biscuit which is a bit like shortbread, called polvorones.