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Malaga Directions

We will be arriving in Malaga via the C1 to Centro-Alameda station.
We are walking to our Hotel from the station via, south on Avenue del Comandante Benitez.
I would like to know which exit at Centro-Alameda station, we should use.
the Avenida de Andalucia exit sign to be on the west side of the river, or the Calle Alemania exit sign to come out on the east side of the river? So that we are on Avenue del Comandante Benitez.
Thanks for any help

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1071 posts

Avenue del Comandante Benitez is on the east side of the river. Although calling it a river is pretty charitable as it is more a large drain with very little actual water in it.

Calle Alemania changes its name to Comandante Benitez with Alemania being closer to the beach. If you come out on Alemania you need to walk away from the beach.

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7049 posts

If you get turned around once you arrive, have the address where you’re going written down or have maps open and ask somebody. People are very friendly and willing to help.