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Madrid for two days

We arrived in Madrid around one today. Checked in and then...almost killed ourselves walking. Took metro to city center. Walked to the huge park. Then around to Prado museum (which is free from 6-8 on Fridays!) got lucky! Then up to SOL. Metro back to hotel. Kids are exhausted (on day 13 of 20 day trip). Was going to maybe go to Toledo tomorrow, but at 124€ for all 6 of us...and grumpy, hot, tired kids...thinking about passing it up. So...ideas for a shaded, relaxing day for Madrid?

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1878 posts

Is it really that much to get to Toledo—wow. If that's for the train, might want to check the bus. Bus is a practical option for a lot day trips from Madrid, including El Escorial and Segovia. Sounds like you have already gone to El Parque de Buen Retiro. It's worth a return visit on the weekend though, when the locals come out in droves to stroll the park. The royal palace is a nice spot to visit, probably will be really hot inside though. The Thiessen Museum is another highlight. Looks like high temperatures are in the 90s, I feel for you. Hope your next stop is not in Andalusia.

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15768 posts

Well, yeah. 6 people.

Pass up Toledo - if you're tired after walking in flat Madrid, it would be a killer - lot's of steep up-and-down walking.

I thought the Naval Museum was very interesting (entrance fee was €5 with audio guide). If you go, bring everyone's passport to get in. It's a block from the Prado. Spend an hour "grazing" at the San Miguel market for lunch or dinner.

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9369 posts

I was going to suggest a hop on hop off bus tour of Madrid, but it would likely be close to what you would spend to go to Toledo for six of you. There is a lot to see and do in Retiro Park - rent boats and go out in the little lake, check out the street performers, watch little Spanish toddlers chase the pigeons, eat ice cream. I spent four hours there last time without even realizing it. There was a band concert by the lake, lots of vendors - a very pleasant, low-key day.

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60 posts

We ended up going to Toledo! My husband conceded to my desire to see the cathedral. So I went into the cathedral and the rest of them went to deVinci and the torture chamber (ugh!) and I spent a VERY enjoyable time in the cathedral. Toledo was HOT! But it was worth it.