We will arrive in Barcelona from US at 8:45am on a Monday morning. We can't check into our airbnb until 2pm. Any suggestions for storing luggage or something to do that's not too exhausting after that long flight. Thank you!
Ask the place you're staying if you can just drop your bags there.
If your flight is scheduled to land at 8:45, you might not be out of the airport and into the center for another hour or two, and by that time your airbnb hosts may have already kicked out their previous night's renters. Many places wouldn't mind having your bags dropped there while their paid cleaning staff quickly blows through.
Or they might know of a storage place near by. There are non traditional places that store luggage. For example, I used a pub inUK near a train station that didn't have storage. There are apps that list places like bike shops, dry cleaners, cobblers, etc that will store luggage.
Thank you for your help.
Where is your airbnb?
Near Placa de Catalunya.
Check http://lockerbarcelona.com/map/ , a stone throw away from Pl Catalunya.