I am traveling with my husband who is retired and our granddaughter who is a 17yo student. Does anyone know what type of ID may be required if I purchase the senior and student tickets for them? Also does anyone have feedback on either taking the guided tour or using the audio guide. Thank you
For a senior ticket I'd expect to use my passport. There are quite a lot of sights in Spain that limit senior tickets to certain categories of people, such as local residents, but I found a TripAdvisor post by our poster, Enric, indicating that there isn't a residency requirement for La Sagrada Familia senior tickets. I believe the requirement is 65 years old rather than being retired, just to be clear. It wouldn't be so easy for an American to prove he was retired.
I can't help with the question about the student ID.
I liked the audio guide but have no experience with the tour.
Usually no one cares if someone is a student -- it is the age that is important.
We found that all senior discounts were afforded Americans as well as Europeans in Spain. We never encountered a museum or other tourist site that did not give us the senior discount. We were never asked for ID but the passport would be appropriate if needed. This is not true in Italy where discounts are reserved for those in the EU. In Paris there are no senior discounts for most places; where there are (the occasional photo exhibit seems to have them) we had no trouble getting them as Americans.
In Spain, student discounts are actually quite widespread, many museums and cultural attractions will have them, all you need is your student ID card.
Interestingly, you won't find any "military discounts" in Europe, but I've noticed they are quite popular in the United States, a difference in priorities I guess.