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La Sagrada Familia Tickets

Hi everyone! Wondering if anyone has tried to order La Sagrada Familia tickets online lately.

I have tried several times. I receive a 'retry error' with the cursor returning to the telephone field. Since I have an 636 area code, the country code reverts to Philipines. I even tried our Barcelona hotel number. Again i still receive the same error. This morning I tried using the Safari Browser. Again no luck. Wondering if the web site only accepts a certain number of digits. Not sure why the phone number is important since the ticket voucher is emailed.

If anyone has tried what telephone number did you use?

We are flying out next week to Barcelona. Would like to get our tickets while our time slots are still open. I bought other tickets (Park Güell, Casa Batlló, La Pedrera) with no issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted by
16 posts

I bought tickets a month or so ago. I think I used "+1" before my phone number. Have you tried that?

Posted by
115 posts

I bought it last month and had no issue buying tickets with my US number. add country code too.

Posted by
17 posts

Thanks, for a quick response. When you select USA, +1 is populated. I do not what to say. It will not take. Just tried it again.

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17 posts

Thanks, now I do not feel like the lone ranger. My wife tried. She was able to get past the pay selection a couple of times for time slots that were outside our schedule. She did know which time slots we needed at first! Darn! Tried for those time slots, no luck. Also she tried to duplicate those earlier attempts. Could not repeat it. Something is not coded correctly for the telephone field. The previous posters said that they got their tickets a month ago. Someone changed the programing between now and then. I sent them an email last TUE, have not gotten a response.

I just wanted to know if other folks were seeing it too. Hoping that they were able to work through it, sharing what they did. Oh well!


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5041 posts

I bought a week or so ago with no problem. I wish I had read this first so I could have noted the process. It was so straightforward that I can’t remember at all. If you ever get through that part, remember to check for DCC and pay in euro, not dollars. I used Chrome on my iPad, if that helps.

Edit: I just did a test run and got as far as entering my cc info and it all worked fine again. You are right - for country code, you just choose U.S. Then I entered my phone number with nothing other than the numbers.

Good luck!

Posted by
17 posts

Yes I'm using Window 11 with the latest Edge browser update. Yesterday I tried Safari on my iPad. Latest update too. No luck. Have not tried Chrome. Hate to load another browser on my laptop. I know some people love Chrome over Windows. I just looked at them as a browser, period. Only wanting the least number of programs on my computer having memory for storage. I'll give it a couple of days before I load another browser. Might ask my son to try it first.

Thanks for everone's responses. The email response that I got back from La Segrada Familia is an automated response with a link for additional communications. I just replied telling them that another person is experiencing the same issue. Maybe they will respond soon.

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10822 posts

A friend bought tickets last week for tomorrow afternoon. She was in the US and used a US credit card and phone number when she made the purchase.
It's probably not you but something that will soon get repaired.

Posted by
3142 posts

... if that's the case, and there's indeed a glitch somewhere, in the meantime, for those needing to purchase tickets, I'd suggest entering any number. In fact, there's little to no chance that piece of information is of any relevance. Use a number with this format: XXX XXX XXX, starting with 609.

Posted by
17 posts

Good news have resolved the issued. Called my son, his wife actually worked it out with me. They use Chrome. Same error when entering personal information prior to purchase screen adding the credit card. She decided to use her email address. It went through to the purchase screen. She stopped and cleared her ticket cart. I proceeded to purchase the tickets. I used another email address with '.com'.. The email address that i was using is '.net'. Charter's suffix and probably the same suffix that many service providers use for their clients.

Anyway, the La Sagrada Familia ticket purchase site will not accept email addresses with '.net'. Maybe others! They do accept '.com'.

I have my tickets now, wow, is all I can say.

They did reply back finally. After nudging them! Standard response. Use updated software, use another computer, even try a different internet connection (right). If that fails, buy them onsite. They also requested a screen shot with the failed message.

I sent them a reply suggesting that they need to look at their data validation for email address suffixes with the screen shot of the error message.

I hope this helps for future purchases for other folks.
Thanks for all the responses that I have received.

Posted by
101 posts

That did it for me too. I used my alternate email address with a .com suffix and it went right through.

Thanks for figuring this one out!

Bruce Jewell

Posted by
9 posts

We have been having the same problem all week and our email is a .com. I finally contacted my hotel and they are purchasing tickets for me at a minimal charge. I was unable to get a ticket with a private guide, which is what I wanted. but at least I am getting tickets. We have tried several different computers and several different browsers. Nothing worked. So frustrating.

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1 posts

I found that the English-language page was not working when I booked tickets a couple of weeks ago. The Spanish (Castellano) was working just fine. I did not try the Catalan.

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1 posts

For me what resolved the issue was not using the hotel wifi, but connecting through my mobile phone data connection.

I had tried all other suggestions before that to no avail.

Hope this helps!