I have been unable to purchase the premium level tickets on the La Pedrera website but my transaction is never completed successfully. Has anyone else ever had trouble with this website? Should I just keep trying?
Thank you.
I have not used the La Pedrera website, but credit card issues are frequently at the root of Americans' problems with European websites.
Have you notified your credit card(s) that you are making a purchase from Spain? Have you tried more than one card? If PayPal happens to be a payment option, it will almost certainly work for you.
I had a similar problem buying tickets online for my upcoming trip to Spain. I called my credit card company and they did something that allowed my transactions to go through.
Excellent suggestions! Thank you for the help.
We are in Barcelona now and tried to buy tickets for La Pedrera online two days ago (to save the extra fee for buying in person) using two different credit cards that have been accepted on other sites but had no luck. The purchase had gone far enough that there was a reference number, and the ticket collector walked us to the ticket counter and explained that our purchase didn't go through. They used the reference number and gave us tickets for the online price. It was an amazing visit, so I hope you can make things work.
I tried a third card and it finally worked! Thanks for the advice everyone.