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Kids in Spain (ages 12, 14) - Summer Trip - Granada, Seville, Barcelona

Hi all,

Looking for some expert insight into a planned trip this summer with two kids/teens ages 12 and 14, boy and girl, in Spain this summer. Current (tentative) iten is:

  • Granada (1 day)
  • Seville (3 days)
  • Barcelona (4 days)

For Granada we're arriving the night before and planning to stay at the Hotel American. Driving to Seville after visiting the Alhambra.

I'm wondering:
- Is there enough to do in Seville for the kids for the 3 days?
- In Barcelona, what are the top kid/teen attractions?
- Any other suggestions?

To maximize time in town, we're going to fly from Seville to Barcelona on one of the inexpensive flights. We talked about driving, but we have one that gets carsick on long rides.

Thank you in advance!

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3034 posts


Visiting Barcelona with teens can be exciting as there are plenty of things that they might enjoy. Of course it depends on their likes but... some ideas:

...and for a day escapade outside the city:

Some more information resources:

A practical guide book: Discovering Barcelona, a guide for teens || A useful website: || Be in the loop with: ||The City Council website: La Meva Barcelona

PS... it's GrAnada :)... Grenada is a small island in the Caribbean

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3034 posts

...needless to say that there are plenty of other attractions that, while not specifically targeted to teens/kids, they'll surely like as well. Have a look here: Barcelona Tourism Board for one hundred reasons to visit Barcelona and also at -for peeking a bit what some of the proposals are all about.

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131 posts

We are doing 5 days in Sevilla and 5 in Barcelona with our kids (13 and 11) in June. We have found more than enough to keep us busy in our planning. We did book quite a few tours just to avoid the lines at the major attractions.