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Jewish Heritage Sites

I'm trying to decide if we should visit the Sephardic Museum and the Museum of the Forgotten in Granada or the Casa de Sefarad and the Synagogue in Cordoba. I would appreciate some in;put. Than you.

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7024 posts

If you haven’t looked at it, go to the website and look at the Spain’s Sephardic legacy brochure. It can be downloaded. It might help you decide, if the mentioned sites are in it, or give you other ideas.

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332 posts

I went to the ones in Cordoba and would go again. They're pretty small and quick to see. The ones in Granada look good to visit too, but I did not visit them because I didn't know about them. If I were you, and this topic interest you, go to all of them. The ones in Granada seem to be small too.

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333 posts

We didn't see the one you mention in Granada but did see those sites in Cordoba. It was a small museum but still very interesting and special. The synagogue was even quicker but still enjoyable.

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136 posts

Thank you all for your advice. I went to the site and read the article on the Sephardic legacy in Spain. They mentioned the two sites in Cordoba, but nothing was said about the two sites in Granada. (However, the Museum of the Forgotten is also about the Inquisition and that may be a reason for not having been included in the 22 historical sites mentioned.) Furthermore, Rick Steves wrote about the sites in Cordoba, but nothing about the ones in Granada. I found the listings of the Granada site in one of my "down the rabbit hole" forays of research into these cities. I will concentrate on visiting the Casa de Sefarad and the Synagogue in Cordoba. Thanks again

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12313 posts

I enjoyed visiting the Synagogue in Cordoba. If you are interested in Jewish heritage, I would include it in your plans.

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38 posts

The synagogue in Cordoba was small, beautiful and very inspiring. There’s also a Sephardic museum in Cordoba (which we did not tour but looked superb.)