Happy Tuesday!
My family and I are leaving for Spain in a few days. Unfortunately, life has been a bit hectic, and I have neglected planning for this trip. My original itinerary was as follows:
Days 1-4: Sevilla
Days 5-6: Valencia
Days 7-9: Barcelona
We fly into Madrid at 8:30 am on day one - should we store our bags at the train station and do a little exploring, or head on to Sevilla? My accommodations in Sevilla are non-refundable at this point and we must check in by 8pm. On European trips we usually can all power through until about 10pm, and will rest on the train, so we are accounting for jet lag.
Would you recommend renting a car once in Sevilla? I know that we would like to visit Cordoba during our time there, but I don't really have anything else planned (seriously, I have dropped the ball entirely on this trip).
My main concern at this point is the two days in Valencia. When planning this trip I was very excited to visit Valencia and I guess I was in denial at just how far away it is from Sevilla. I can get those rooms refunded. Would you skip Valencia in favor of another stop on the way to Barcelona? We fly home from Barcelona.
Thank you for any help or suggestions you can offer! I really appreciate any and all positive feedback :)