Will I be able to use my iPhone gps in Spain or will I need to bring a “auto” gps unit? I’m from USA.
Assuming you’re referring to using downloaded Google maps for offline use (without using data), or Google maps (using data), it should work just fine. There are other apps people have mentioned in other threads that work well to. I generally use a Garmin, and then the offline maps for places not in my Garmin. I also carry a paper map.
Thanks. I’m good with maps. Like the good old days when I learned to drive. I won’t go out of my way to buy a separate Garmin type unit.
Get a SIM card for your phone, works great for data for GPS.
However, you don’t need data for GPS on your phone to function. (For live-time traffic updates, yes. For showing your position, progress, and destination on a map, no.). So — you need neither a separate GPS unit, nor a SIM card for your phone (although you might want to get one anyway for other reasons).
GPS works fine for highway driving. Our experience is that is doesn't work well in the old cities of Granada and Seville. Don't rely on your GPS in these towns. If you will be driving in to Granada especially, I suggest you get detailed driving instructions from your hotel. Or better still, park your car in the newer part of Granada and take a cab to your hotel.