Hi guys,
@West, as I said, on the surface looks like "business as usual", and most things are open, people stroll, sit on terraces and go to the beach, but there are these measures in place that make everything (to me at least) a bit weird: queuing to enter certain "more busy" businesses (other than for a few popular restaurants and night clubs, we're not used to having to queue outside a business!), limited capacity in the beach -enforced by the local police- and in all tourist sites, some smaller mom&pop shops that have definitively closed leaving a sadder landscape in certain areas, and lots of masks everywhere. In truth, it's a mixed feeling: on the one side, I'd say this is a good time for visitors to come as there are far fewer visitors than usual and you can still do 90% of what you normally do when visiting, on the other, these are strange times and an outbreak (with consequences) is possible at any time.
@JC, while eating and drinking you don't wear a mask :) that's one of the 'exceptions', of course.
As promised, this is the decree: https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://imatges.vilaweb.cat/nacional/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Mascara.pdf and this is the original law to which it refers: https://dogc.gencat.cat/ca/pdogc_canals_interns/pdogc_resultats_fitxa/?action=fitxa&documentId=875707&language=ca_ES (Use google translate, of course)
In short: wearing masks at all times, especially outside, with two provisions "The obligation contained in the previous section will not be required for people who have any type of illness or respiratory difficulty that may be aggravated by the use of the mask or who, due to their situation of disability or dependency, do not have 'autonomy to remove the mask or have behavioural alterations that make its use unfeasible. Nor will it be required in the case of outdoor physical exercise or in cases of force majeure or situation of need or when by the very nature of the activities the use of the mask is incompatible, in accordance with the indications from the health authorities". [here, one of the activities which are "incompatible" is eating and drinking in a restaurant :))]
Having a brisk walk without wearing any flashy garment can pass as "outdoor physical exercise"?... who knows, unconcise norms and regulations left to the free interpretation seem often to be typical of these shores! In any case, knowing how the system works, should you get a ticket for not wearing a mask it'd be you that would have to "documentally" prove you were under any of these provisions. Better don't test it.
Keep safe and have a good visit!
BY THE WAY, those thinking in visiting the Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa.... ) will encounter the same measure put into place. Today, their government has announced that wearing masks will also be compulsory in public.