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How to get to Biarritz from seville

I will be connecting two tours - Spain plus’s Basque and would like to know how to get to Biarritz from Seville
Any suggestions much appreciated. Thank you

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2330 posts

Fastest is probably to fly to San Sebastian. The San Sebastian airport is right next to the French boarder, so there take a taxi to Hendaye in France and then train from there.

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20800 posts

Standard route is 15+ hours. Train to Barcelona, then train to Narbonne, then train to Bordeaux, then train to Biarritz.

A bit more creative is train to Madrid Atocha, change to Madrid Chamartin, train to San Sebastian. That is 9 hours, then local transport across the border to Biarritz.

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7216 posts

There are no direct flights from Sevilla to Donostia / San Sebastián, so you might want to fly to Bilbao Airport.
From Bilbao Airport, there are buses every 30 min to Donostia, where (after a short walk to the Amara train station) you can take the local train (Euskotren) to the French border town Hendaye and transfer there to a French train to Biarritz. It sounds complicated, but it should not take more than 3 hours to reach Biarritz from Bilbao that way.
Alternatively, a taxi from Donostia to Biarritz should cost around 130€ - significant, but potentially faster and more comfortable, considering that Biarritz train station is a ways out of town.

EDIT: I checked the wrong days, there are indeed Monday & Friday flights from Seville to Donostia airport. If it works for you, it is by far the best option.

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4 posts

Thankyou all it was very interesting and has given me food for thought