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How to get from Airport to Hotel

Hi! We'll be landing at Malaga Airport and heading to our hotel in Novo Sancti Petri, 2+ hrs. What is best way to get there? Reluctant to rent a car as we won't be travelling over the three days there and hate to have the car sitting (and we're paying) for the three days. Any suggestions?

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23534 posts

What does the hotel recommend? That is always my first question. Assume so type of bus service. There is a city bus from the airport to the train station/bus station (they are side by side). Of course, the other would be a car and driver.

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16895 posts

There won't be any way to do this by train or bus without a few connections. One of the better schedules looks like train from Malaga central station to Cadiz (4-5 hours with 1-2 changes), but then you may need a taxi from there. See also the airport bus info. A rental car is going to be simplest, and maybe you'll be inspired to daytrip a bit.