I prefer the day temperature on vacation to be below 20C (70F). That is why I go to Europe in October usually.
However, Spain seems to be warmer than the other countries.
What month do I pick to feel comfortable in Madrid, please: November?
Thank you.
I think November is good (I'm going this November). Take a look at the historical weather to get an idea. It will likely be below 70 in Mardrid. Likely, but who knows these days.
We went at the beginning of November. We thought our weather was fabulous. We were in Andalusia/Toledo/Madrid/Segovia. I needed a warmish sweater/jacket in the evenings in Granada, Toledo and Madrid. We had sun every day. I've not checked historical stats, but I would guess that area of Spain is drier in late fall than say, Italy (where we got rained on, a lot).
Just a guess, but I would think October meets your Madrid weather criteria, as well.
I went back to look at pics from my trip last November. I'm acclimated to cooler climates and was wearing a hoodie or a light jacket, locals were more bundled up than that. And at least a few days of rain.
Madrid in November? Here are the weather statistics gathered over a period from 1980-2017. Temperatures will likely be higher in the future.
Thank you so much guys!