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Hot weather in Madrid

I prefer the day temperature on vacation to be below 20C (70F). That is why I go to Europe in October usually.
However, Spain seems to be warmer than the other countries.
What month do I pick to feel comfortable in Madrid, please: November?
Thank you.

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6285 posts

We went at the beginning of November. We thought our weather was fabulous. We were in Andalusia/Toledo/Madrid/Segovia. I needed a warmish sweater/jacket in the evenings in Granada, Toledo and Madrid. We had sun every day. I've not checked historical stats, but I would guess that area of Spain is drier in late fall than say, Italy (where we got rained on, a lot).

Just a guess, but I would think October meets your Madrid weather criteria, as well.

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2267 posts

I went back to look at pics from my trip last November. I'm acclimated to cooler climates and was wearing a hoodie or a light jacket, locals were more bundled up than that. And at least a few days of rain.