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Help with Spain Itinerary

Hi I am planning a trip to Spain this July and am making my itinerary. I thought I wanted to stay in Northern Spain for a good portion of our 16 day trip because it seemed to have beautiful beaches, but now I am having second thoughts. It seems as though much of Northern Spain, such as the Asturias province, and even places such as Santander, are less touristy? please correct me if I'm wrong. I was really hoping to see Asturias, possibly Gijon or Llanes, but I dont want to go anywhere too off the beaten path. So I know this is odd, but I guess I want to go somewhere more touristy.
Which cities, if any, in Asturias are more urban/touristy, but also have nice beaches? And how are the beaches and tourist opportunities in Santander?
Also, insight on whether our itinerary should look more like: Barcelona (4 nights), Valencia (3 nights), Alicante/malaga (3 nights), Seville (3 nights)
Barcelona (4 nights), Somewhere in Asturias- Gijon?(3 nights), Santander (3 nights), Bilbao (3 nights)

Thanks for all the help!

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1178 posts

I spent about five days in Santander two years ago and thoroughly enjoyed my stay. While it is not on the tourist map for most travelers it is definitely worth seeing. Marvelous beaches and friendly people. Enjoyed walking in the city. And to the north a short ways is the area of Santa Maria Del Mar and the cave of Altamira. Fascinating and the drive along the coast is spectacular. Farther north is Bilbao with the Guggenheim Museum. The area inland is also nice. Check out the area near the Palacio Sonames Hotel...a restored castle from the 1700s as I recall, and definitely unique. The mountain drives in the area are breathtaking.

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16895 posts

Asturias is not without accommodations for tourists. The Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, and Michelin all have some info online, as well as the Spain tourist office. Santander suffered a large fire in 1941, so much construction in the city is newer.

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9369 posts

Gijon, on the coast, is a fair size city, and has a beach right in the middle of town. Oviedo is also nearby. Ribadesella has the Tito Bustillo cave, which contains actual prehistoric cave paintings (at Altamira, you see a reproduction of the cave, which is closed to tourists). Also very well worth seeing are the cities of Leon and Burgos, both on the Camino, both with incredible cathedrals. And in driving west from Santander, you will see the stunning Picos de Europa mountains.

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7175 posts

If you are leaning to the first option I would 'steal' a night off Valencia for Sevilla.
Barcelona (4 nights), Valencia (2 nights), Alicante/Malaga (3 nights), Seville (4nights)

I would include Oviedo, Picos de Europa and San Sebastian in the 2nd option.
This adds variety with history, mountains, beaches, big city, art and food.
Barcelona (4 nights), Oviedo (2 nights), Picos de Europa (1 night), Santander (2 nights), Bilbao (2 nights), San Sebastian (2 nights)

Given you are talking July I would lean towards the northern option and avoid the heat of Sevilla.