I will be traveling solo to Andalusia in late February/early March using public transportation, with my last 2 stops being Granada and Madrid. The bus trip from Granada to Madrid is a bit longer of a trip (4.5 hours versus 3.75 hours by train) and costs about $20US less (with the options I have chosen.). I've traveled by bus in Spain and have been very comfortable, but not for 4.5 hours. I need to get my ticket as soon as possible and would love to hear from others who have made this trip.
I didn't purposely travel that route, but my plane was canceled last mid-March. Iberia bussed us from Granada to Barajas.
My main memory was running into a snow and ice storm en route. Cars off the road, accidents, highway patrols, etc. I was seriously concerned about making it in one piece - and I am used to winter driving in Chicago and the MidWest.
Given the possibility of bad weather, I would definitely take the train.
Is the difference in price only $20, or was that possibly a typo? Even without weather concerns, if that is the price differential for a more comfortable train ride, that option would win for me.
To me, 3.5 hours on a train beats 5 hours on a bus any day of the week. On a train you can stretch your legs, visit the cafe and relax more easily. Don’t you think your time is worth more than $20 an hour?
Thank you both for your quick replies. I hadn't even considered that there might be snow or ice! You made my decision for me, thanks.
And as for $20US (not a typo), I included the price difference to show that it isn't much of a price difference, which surprised me (train $71US bus $52US.)
There were a few earlier posts arguing that the bus might be more enjoyable, which is why I asked. Thanks again.
Thanks for the $20 explanation! I thought you were concerned about saving $20 after traveling all the way to Spain. Seemed like quite a false economy to me!! Explaining the similar costs didn’t even occur to me as a reason for mentioning it, but now the comment makes perfect sense to me. Enjoy your trip!!
ORDtraveler - Sorry for the confusion caused by mentioning the cost difference. Mostly, I wondered if there was something I might be overlooking about the benefits of the bus ride, and the potential for icy roads would NOT be a benefit ;)
Thanks again.