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Girona in 4 hours - what to see for scenery

Hi, I finished Barcelona in 2 days and have 1 extra day tomorrow to spend and thinking of doing half day trip to Girona. I am not the museum type but I love taking pics of scenic area. Which area must be visited in Girona? I plan to spend only 4 hours there and catch a train back to Barcelona. Thank you!

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1585 posts

In 4 hours in Girona, you can visit:

Monasterio de Sant Pere de Galligants

Catedral de Santa María de Girona

Arabic Baths

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39 posts

Thank you for a very quick reply...putting them on the list. I also want to do bridges with colorful buildings.

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2456 posts

Yes, Girona is wonderful. Was just there this past July. With limited time there, I would definitely recommend taking a taxi directly from the train station to and from the old medieval part of town. Any other means of transport would waste a lot of your precious time. In addition to the spots already mentioned, you can just wander around the old town, site of various scenes in Game of Thrones, I understand. Often very photogenic. Also, walking somewhat above the rear terrace area of the cathedral, you reach the old Roman wall. You can walking on the wall, with views down. Also, in various areas by the wall, there are small, intimate gardens or parks, some with benches, also photogenic, and an excellent place to sit, relax and be contemplative.
If it is mealtime, there are many choices and a full range of places to eat, including some famous Michelin-starred, very expensive restaurants, where one needs reservations weeks or months in advance. If you would like a very nice, quiet meal, I highly recommend Mimolet, which is neither inexpensive nor really expensive, quite moderate for a delicious meal.

PS: yes, there is a bridge or two, some with views of colored riverside buildings, that I passed by during my long walk from the station to the old town. But those are in the more modern part of Girona, and with such limited time, I would not seek that out. But, different strokes for different folks.

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2535 posts

Just saunter about the city as it's very attractive in so many ways. Enjoy.