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From where buy online Ticket for Bull fighting and football match


I am traveling with spouse and 2 kids (5 and 8 yo). Would like to go for bull-fighting and football match.

Need suggestions on:
1. Is it okay to go and watch bull-fighting with kids?
2. Where can I buy the ticket online? What are the best places among Madrid, Seville, Barcelona?
3. Also from where can I buy football tickets? Do not want to spend much. Want kids to experience.
4. Day trip from barcelona
5. Activities for kids or places to go with kids in Seville and Barcelona

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15825 posts

Is it okay to go and watch bull-fighting with kids?

You mean legally or ethically? I guess I'd ask you think of it this way? Would you allow a 5 and 8-year to watch the bloody public goading, torturing and killing of any other animal, such as a dog or horse? Even if allowed by law - which it evidently is in Madrid; haven't researched the other locations - I know what my answer would be. It's not something my own stomach could take, and I'm no shrinking violet.

Hopefully some other folks will be along shortly with better ideas for the entertainment of young children. :O)

Posted by
58 posts

Hi Cajaibajaj,

Welcome to the forum.

On taking kids to a bullfight, I guess it depends on what kind of experiences they've already had. 5 and 8 year-old kids seem pretty young to me.

I went to a Camargue Bullfight in Arles, France, which is a bit different, and was traumatized... and I am an adult. I know I couldn't handle a Spanish bullfight.

There are plenty of wonderful things to do in Barcelona (the beach, tapas, Gaudi) Madrid (art) and Seville (flamenco!) with your kids. Check out Rick Steves Spain guide.

Have a great trip! -- Moomin

Posted by
5273 posts

Bullfighting is one of the most sickening and depraved spectacles being practiced today. It's impossible to comprehend how, in 2024, it is still allowed to take place. I simply cannot understand why anyone would want to witness such abhorrent torture of an animal let alone allow their children to watch. I recommend that the OP does some research into what actually happens during a bullfight and then decide whether they still want to expose their kids to it.

As for the football, if you do not want to spend much on tickets then I'd suggest that you don't consider any La Liga matches as ticket prices typically start at around the €100 mark and rising steadily.

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6569 posts

Aside from what’s been stated, whether to go or not is strictly a personal choice. Having been to numerous fights over the decades, I would not take 5 and 8 year olds to one. My children were 11 and 14 when I took them and they really enjoyed it. My son liked the fight, my daughter the matadors.

I wouldn’t buy tickets online for a fight since unless it is a major festival I doubt tickets will sell out. Also, you’re locked in whether you change your mind and tickets will not be refundable. You didn’t mention when you’d be traveling and you may not be traveling during the fighting season. If you are intent on buying online, I’d buy them through the bullrings’ website. The last fight I went to was in 2007 in Madrid and we got our tickets just before the fight at a kiosk outside the ring.


Posted by
427 posts

Bullfighting is a horrific bloodsport spectacle, cruel and abusive, justified as "tradition" that shouldn't even be permitted. And I would say the same for the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona. No one should be going to a bullfight, much less 5-8 year olds.

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10207 posts

For-kill bullfights are outlawed in Barcelona. In any case, unless your children have been raised in the culture, they aren't appropriate. Children who grow up in the culture are given a cultural education about the "activity". Your kids wouldn't understand why they are seeing blood, death and cruelty.

However, where we live over the border in France, we have bull games. The no-kill games require skill. Every suburb has an arena where the teenagers learn how to play and snatch the bouquet from between the horns. Results are in the local Saturday newspapers. The community arenas reminded me of the community little league fields in the States. The bull species used in France is smaller than the species in Spain. Why don't you see if there are any games where the teenage boys show off and their families are cheering in the stands. There are horses, boys running around, bulls running around. These are family affairs appropriate for children.
I've taken my 9 year-old granddaughter to a bull ranch where she saw the horses and a few "passes" demonstrated; we might go to a game to watch the teens at a neighborhood arena this summer. You might want to look for something similar.

Posted by
648 posts

Unbiased answers from a local (I do not like bullfights, by the way):

  1. Is it okay to go and watch bull-fighting with kids? I would not do it with such young kids. In fact, the law (I believe) forbids the assistance of under 14 y/o.
  2. Where can I buy the ticket online? What are the best places among Madrid, Seville, Barcelona? There aren´t any bullfights in Barcelona any more. When are you coming? Because bullfights have a season, and they are not played every day. Also, there are other shows with bulls that do not imply the death of the animal...or the bullfighter.
  3. Also from where can I buy football tickets? Do not want to spend much. Want kids to experience. Where are you going and when? Same, there´s a season and you need to check the games in the town and day you´ll be visiting, and if the local team plays home or out.
Posted by
850 posts

On another thread, OP mentions travel starting April 19.

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413 posts

Our daughter attended a bullfight in Toledo when she was there for a 6-week student exchange.
She thought the bullfight was horrible.

Posted by
502 posts

It is cultural, though, so we shouldn’t be judging bullfights from an American perspective.