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Fast Pass tickets in Barcelona??

I've been looking into the Fast Pass tickets for Casa Bartllo and Casa Milo and it appears that there are several sites that offer them. The way I understand it is.....the fast pass tickets enable you to enter at any time on any day without standing in line, either the purchase line or the entry line. Is that correct? A website called seems to offer the best price and says "no standing in line" , but I'm not sure if they mean BOTH lines or not, and also the site doesn't mention if the tickets are good for any day, any time. Anyone out there have experience with this site or these type of tickets? Also, any thoughts on if both of these Casas are worth seeing or is just one (and which one?) better and the other can be skipped? We only have 5 days in Barcelona and LOTS to see!!!! Thank you for your help!!

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I would choose Casa Batllo over Casa Mila. They are similar enough that you get the idea from seeing just one. I don't know about the Fast Pass thing. With not a lot of time, you might see just one and then see the other later, if you have time after whatever else you wanted to see in Barcelona.