I want to visit La Sagrada on 17 or 18 Sept 2019 at Barcelona. I checked with the ticket site but it says no availability for the months from July to October. Can some one help?
Under the FAQ section of the Sagrada Familia website it says:
Tickets can be purchased roughly two months before the visit."
So look again in July.
Dear Tim
Thanks a lot
I just bought tickets finally for our visit in late June. So around two months out just keep checking back. When I bought tickets for the guided tour there were many to be had. Lots of choices as far as times. Happy travels
Which website did you go to, to purchase your tickets? I went to www.sagradafamilia.cat and it says that it is not a secure site. Just wondering if I should buy them through a different website.
The official website is sagradafamilia.org.
Dear Patti
Thanks a lot
Something I had meant to add, because I found the tip on another site, and it turned out to be good advice.
The official audio guide to Sagrada Familia is quite expensive at €8. There is an app available for Iphone and android from a company call musmon.com available on the appstore/google play for around $3, the Android version can be shared.
It isn't perfect in that it has been a few years since it was updated, but overall it was excellent - about 2 hours of commentary.
The 8 euros is the same charge for guided and audio tours. Personally I think the 8euros is worth it.