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English speaking dentist in Bilbao

Having a dental problem and would like to have a dentist look at it. I think explaining it will take a dentist who can speak English to understand me. Any one out there know of anyone? We are staying in the Old Town, Casco Viejo.

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570 posts

Jerry Stelly

you might want to try Clinica Campuzano 32, Rodríguez Arias, Bilbao, 48011.
The dentist is Jon Gurrea and it seems he study in NYC.

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8293 posts

Contact the American Embassy in Madrid, or a US consulate if there is one in Bilbao, for a name.

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23547 posts

If staying at a hotel, ask the hotel. You are not the first with a tooth problem.

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323 posts

Thanks for all the responses. Contacted my dentist in Dallas and he advised me to monitor it and if it starts to give me any pain be sure to see a dentist. Otherwise try not to chew on that side. We will be home on Thursday and I have an appointment with him on Friday. Hope jet lag won't be to bad.
And we are staying at an apartment in Bilbao so our "landlord" might know someone also. But he doesn't speak English very well.