We are currently planning a driving tour of Spain, arriving September 17th, 2018 through October 16th, 2018. We will be spending two days in Barcelona inbound and three on the outbound side. The Barcelona hotels have been booked and confirmed, however we have concerns for the days (and nights) in between.
We had hoped to leave the hotel bookings open, as we assumed this would allow us to travel wherever the mood took us.....although we do have a rough itinerary outlined. Our initial plan was to delay looking/booking any hotel until the day before it was needed, but now we are not sure if this is such a good idea.
We can of course pre-book hotels for the entire tour but this almost locks us into a firm and fixed schedule. Is it feasible to delay finding / booking a hotel until the last minute (24 hours), to allow greater flexibility? Our current intended route is as follows.......................
Barcelona /Zaragoza / Madrid / Cordoba / Seville / Cadiz / Granada / Benidorm / Valencia / Barcelona.
Thanks and Regards