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Driving from Granada to Segovia late evening

After our tour of places in Granada on an upcoming Thursday (all day Thursday) in November, we want to head north to Madrid that evening and want to spend the next day in Segovia. We are thinking of few options

Take a Thursday late evening flight to Madrid and stay near the airport. Flight reaches MAD at around 11 PM. Will that be too late for safety side in Madrid?

Take a late evening train to Madrid. This would reach Madrid a little past 11. Same question on safety as this will be in the city center.

If we decide to drive, we will leave Granada at around 6 and plan is to drive to Segovia directly. What will be the driving experience during the night like road safety and other things unique to Spain roads we can't think of? Secondly, if we decide drive for around 3 hours and stay on our way, which towns have good choices for hotels? Looking at Google maps, there seems to be no big town north of Jaen until Madrid area!

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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6865 posts

You will probably get more an better answers, but I would not be worried about arriving in Madrid around 23, that is probably when the locals are finishing their dinners…

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7057 posts

The 5 hours drive to Segovia should be uneventful since it’s highway driving. The last part (20 miles) of the drive is a toll road. I’d ensure you have plenty of fuel as I’m not sure how often there are rest areas. Off of the highways there are fewer service stations with most being in towns.

If you wanted to stop for the night someplace, the midway point is Manzanares. If you wanted to stop for the night there, look into staying at the Parador.

If deciding to drive all the way to Segovia, find a hotel that’s not in the historic center or along a pedestrian only street, and preferably with parking. Even during the day street signs are almost impossible to find, let alone see. Hotel signs are generally not lit up, so they too will be difficult to see if arriving after dark. In addition, the town is separated by the aqueduct and getting around it if your hotel is beyond it can be confusing.

Unless you’re familiar with where you’re going and the roads to the location, I recommend against driving at night.