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Driving from Barcelona to Lourdes - Most scenic route

We will be driving from Barcelona to Lourdes in early June 2014. Google maps plots 2 routes that are about the same mileage and take the same time.

The first route is via A-2/C-53/C-26/N-230/N125/A64 through Balaguer & Vielha.

The second is via C-16/E-9/N-20/D919/A64 through Puigcerdà.

Any recommendations as which route to drive would be appreciated.

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9110 posts

Through Puigcerda.

You're in the mountains longer, the scenery is better, and you pass through more interesting small towns and villages.

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16895 posts

Looking at the Michelin map of northeast Spain, both routes pass through a lot of mountains and are marked with "scenic" green lines.