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Do you have to have your middle name on your plane ticket?

I bought a plane ticket, and did not put my middle name. However, my middle name is listed on my passport. If the first and last name are correct, is that all I need?

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169 posts

Your best option would be to ask the airline. Most likely you don't need it but it is better to be safe and ask then to have to have it and not be able to board when the time comes.

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3043 posts

... I am sorry, but I seriously doubt that. I have no middle name and I've flown all over the world, including the US, and never have had a problem. Note that in Europe, most countries do NOT legally consider any middle name part of the name, hence the reason millions of us do not have a middle name. What it is important is that your ticket reflects exactly what's on your passport. Period!

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110 posts

I strongly encourage you to contact the airline and make sure the names are the same. Five years ago my husband's ticket did not match his passport. We were flying to Ireland and every time there was a passport/ticket check we were warned that this should be taken care of before returning to Chicago. After getting our luggage in Dublin, we made sure the return ticket matched his passport.
Last week when buying our tickets to Spain, we contacted the airline because there wasn't a place to enter our middle names & Jr. following his last name when booking the ticket. After our earlier experience we wanted to make sure that everything matched. This only took a few minutes. Better to do this before you leave the US than have any problems during your trip.

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7118 posts

The airline ticket name should match your passport name. If your passport has your full middle name on it, then you should put that on your airline ticket. Technically they should match exactly. However, if the airline ticket does not have room for your whole middle name you can just use your middle initial. That has happened to me several times - full middle on passport, only middle initial on ticket - and has never been an issue as long as your first name and last name are exact and if you input a middle initial on the ticket it should match the letter of your full middle name on your passport. This is what I was told by TSA personnel the last time it happened.

However, that being said, it boils down to what your airline is requiring.

Posted by
503 posts

I have found that when booking a flight and you are asked for your name, it states that the name on your ticket should match the name on your passport. My passport includes my middle name and so that is how I book my ticket. When flying domestically and using my driver license, I only put my middle initial on ticket at that is what is on my driver ID. I don't think calling the airline will be helpful because it is TSA that is responsible for verifying ID and getting you through security.
You can always call the airline and have them change your name to match your passport, that's what I would do.

Posted by
4535 posts

When flying domestically and using my driver license, I only put my
middle initial on ticket at that is what is on my driver ID. I don't
think calling the airline will be helpful because it is TSA that is
responsible for verifying ID and getting you through security.

This issue is different for domestic flights and international flights. For international flights, airlines are responsible for making sure its passengers match the passports and that they can gain entry on arrival. If a passenger is denied entry, the airline is held financially responsible with hefty fines. The TSA doesn't care about passports, though they can be used for ID of course.

Most immigration authorities will not care much about middle names, especially for Americans traveling to western Europe. But sometimes they might, especially if a name matches one on a watch list or they have other reasons to question your identity or entry. Your first and last name must absolutely match and if they do not, you will be denied a boarding pass. A few airlines have taken that to the extreme, like WOW, and have sometimes denied boarding passes over middle names.

It never hurts to contact the airline and ask to have your middle name added to the ticket. Most should do that easily just by entering it in the computer. If you are a member of their FF program, you can likely do it online by editing your profile.

Posted by
105 posts

I have no middle name. When applying for a passport they made me put my maiden name as middle.