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Dining suggestions for Barcelona based on itinerary

I will be in Barcelona with my teen daughter for 4 days at the end of August. Any food suggestions based on our itinerary will be appreciated. We are staying at Hotel Jazz, a couple of blocks off Placa de Catalunya on calle Pelai.

Tuesday - Arrive day in the morning. Walk Las Ramblas, stop off at La Boqueria Mercat. Maybe take a taxi to Playa de Bogatell.

Wednesday - Walk around Barri Gòthic & El Born neighborhoods. In the evening Casa Batlló 8:00pm tour, 9:00pm rooftop concert.

Thursday - Morning in Park Güell (9:30am admission), afternoon at Sagrada Familia (2:00pm admission) with a walk around the neighborhood of Gràcia in between. 9:00pm concert at Palau de la Música Catalana.

Friday - Day trip to Montserrat. Maybe in the evening Montjuïc or just see the magic fountains.

Saturday - Museu Picasso and area around (Plaça del Rei) before leaving for train to San Sebastian

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236 posts

I will not be able to recommend specific restaurants as my last visit was some time ago. I would suggest tapas one meal at least. Great fun and you can try a variety of items. The further you dine away from the main tourist areas the more authentic and cheaper the food will be at any meal. Ask at your hotel were the various staff eat in the area.

Our best experiences were wandering into a little place, the menu in only the local language and the patrons wondering who the strangers are in their local place. Be adventurous and have fun. The last time the prices were one euro for a tapas and a small glass of wine. Likely more expensive now, but a great way to try food and experience the local lifestyle.

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3043 posts

I normally don't reply to petitions for "which restaurant" as I find it something very personal: too often we all have very different tastes, different past experiences, different budgets... and different expectations! And also because this is a city with a very fluid gastronomic scene with several thousand eateries where you can find a few true gems and many crappy places too... and where restaurants are popping up and winding up all the time. Yet today I'm soft, LOL!

Adapting to your itinerary...

Tue > Platja Ca la Nuri, by the beach
Wed > Tapas24 in Carrer Diputació
Thu > Kibuka in Carrer Goya in Gràcia
Fri > El Xalet in Montjuïc, with splendid views over the city
Sat > Tapeo in Carrer Montcada

All of these are no-frills no-nonsense casual places... except for Tapas,24, which is still casual but it's run by a famous trendy chef and El Xalet, which is a bit posh and it's probably the priciest of the list -still, it's "reasonably pricey".

Although not strictly necessary, you might want to call them and make reservations as August is especially busy.

There's another one particularly coming to mind, Can Recasens (, located in El Poblenou, a neighbourhood outside your itinerary, yet still very worth visiting, which I like a lot because it encompasses a few of my favourite requirements: casual, cosy, inexpensive, romantic, not noisy, not touristy, very local and with good quality simple products. This is a good place to drop by for a light dinner. The place was originally a charcuterie back when the great-grandparents of the current owners opened it in 1906 and today they keep the tradition as they've turned it into a restaurant serving tables of local cheeses, pates and cold cuts and salads: simplicity yet good quality. This sort of eating is very typical here in Catalonia when going out with close friends. For this place, you do need to make a reservation as it's very popular among locals and it's almost always quite full. You can reserve for a table either at 9 pm or at 11 pm. You can go there by metro or in an inexpensive 15' ride by taxi from the centre.

FYI... El Born is not a neighbourhood, nor a district... it's just a short 200yd boulevard. The neighbourhood where is located is called La Ribera and the district is Ciutat Vella.


PS: Check the sites and follow your guts... I make no promises nor accept any responsibility :)

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42 posts

Enric - thank you SO MUCh for this list! Yes, I will check them out and won't hold you responsible :) but it's great to have suggestions. I do usually want into a place off the street because "it looks good" but there are so many restaurants that it makes my head spin. And I prefer places that are not touristy so this helps tremendously.