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Difficulty purchasing tickets on Royal Alcazar (Sevilla) web site.

I have made repeated attempts to purchase advance tickets on the Royal Alcazar (in Seville) web site for mid-September, but it does not accept any of my credit cards. I have used both cards on other Spain museum sites, so I know the cards are authorized for purchase in Spain.

The phone number in Rick's guidebook does not answer. The phone number on the Royal Alcazar site does not have anyone that speaks English. Very frustrating.

Have any of you experienced this, and have you found a way to get tickets?

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54 posts

I had similar difficulty on several spanish ticket websites back in March when i used my Visa card. Have you tried a Mastercard? It worked for me.

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67 posts

Yes, I had difficulty with my VISA on every museum web site I tried, but experienced moderate success after switching to my MasterCard... until the Royal Alcazar!

I called the Royal Alcazar earlier today, but there was no-one that spoke English. Very frustrating!!!

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67 posts


I was able to work around this by booking a tour with Concepcion at . She is extremely accommodating, PLUS she also offers walking tours of Seville & the Cathedral.

I give full credit to my Rick Steve's guidebook for linking me up with her!!!

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35 posts

I bought tickets for October this week using my Visa card from Australia. I suggest you contact your bank as this may be a security issue.

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6285 posts

I will be in Sevilla in November. Do I need to purchase tickets in advance for the Alcazar? I really like to keep my travels flexible, but I also know that sometimes it is just not possible as in the case of the Alhambra. And, I guess, above all, it does make me crazy to waste travel time in lines.

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67 posts

Jules - I understand. I am not willing to wait in ticket lines while traveling.

Rick's Spain guidebook has a "crowd-beating tip" to reserve a time slot ahead online to skip the ticket-buying line at Royal Alcazar. Concepcion Delgado's tour (see my link above) to it comes highly recommended, and I planned to take it from the get-go... which initially required me buying the Royal Alcazar in advance - separate from her tour cost. Upon contacting Concepcion and sharing my Alcazar ticket purchase problem, she indicated that others were experiencing the same problem as I... so she started including the admission ticket in her tour price. She comes very highly recommended, and I recommend you consider touring the Royal Alcazar with her tour. For what its worth, we also plan on doing a 2-hour neighborhood walk with her!

Check out her web site... . Happy travels!

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6285 posts

Thanks Ron. I will take a look. I am hoping you will do a trip report since my trip follows yours!

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36 posts

We were recently in Sevilla and, for some reason, I just didn't see the Alcazar as something I cared about getting tickets to. So, when we got there, we didn't have tickets. Big mistake. But, with that said, I got to the entrance at 9 waiting for it to open at 9:30. I was able to purchase tickets there. If you can buy tickets on line, you should, but don't give up if you aren't able to. It was spectacular. Good luck.

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6285 posts

We would have loved to go to the Alcazar on a tour with Concepcion, but just noticed that she is not doing tours the days we are in Sevilla. It appears that the best day for us to go is Sunday, November 4th. Any suggestions for time of day to go? Both my husband and I do a lot of photography so lighting can be important for us. I know the Alcazar has become very busy. If we go at opening, are the large tour groups already there? Is it better in the afternoon? Lastly, I hope I am as lucky with the Alcazar transaction as I was with the Alhambra yesterday. It went thru very easily with a Mastercard. Anyone have recent experience with Alcazar tickets? Gracias!

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1 posts


I purchased tickets yesterday (17th October 2018) using a VISA credit card. This was after a couple of failed attempts at using a Revolut pre paid currency card (which is a Mastercard) which has worked for other Spanish ticket websites but didn't work for the Royal Alcazar. However, I also bought tickets for the Cathedral using that prepaid card and it went through fine - the strange thing is it did appear (although I couldn't swear to it) to redirect to the same payment processing site as the Alcazar.