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Dali Museum in Figueres


I will be in Barcelona from Sept. 9-14. Part of my group (5) is interested in a day trip to the Dali Museum. We plan on taking the train from Barcelona. Is it better to get those tickets in advance or can we wait until we get to the museum?

Thanks, Mary

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7049 posts

We went there in Sept 2006 during La Merce festival, granted a long time ago now, but since we didn't know which day we were going to visit the museum, we just did everything the day we did go. We didn't have any problem getting a train or entrance to the museum. Same thing for Mount Serrat.

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15771 posts

Listen to Enric (always).

I visited in early March last year and got there within 30 minutes of opening, just managed to miss the folks lining up for tickets. An hour later, the museum was packed with visitors.