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Dali -- Cadaques

We plan to visit Barcelona next spring and will spend a couple of nights in Figueres. How reliable is the bus from Figureres over to Cadaques? We would like to see the Dali House there.
Thanks in advance.

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27874 posts

That would be a difficult question to answer, since most likely few people on this forum make the trip even two times. I can only contribute this:

  • I don't recall any issue with the buses in either direction, but I never expect buses to run absolutely on time. I went to Cadaques in 2016.

  • I did have a bus in Catalunya simply not show up at all. I waited a very long time (over an hour) before a cancellation notice appeared. It was a Sunday, and that bus was the only bus of the day from Ripoll to Girona. I had to scramble to find a hotel room in Ripoll (which turned out to be a very nice place) and eat the cost of a hotel room in Girona. That happened in a different part of the region from your trip. My takeaway advice: Don't plan a bus trip on a day when there is only one bus unless it's totally unavoidable.

The bus ride is highly scenic. I haven't been to the Dali house itself. I remember seeing a sign down by the port pointing the way; I think it gave a walking time of 20 minutes. I believe someone reported here that the walk from the bus station (which is not down at harbor level) is only 15 minutes.

Posted by
2280 posts

We took the bus from Figueres to Cadaques, stayed a couple of nights and visited the Dali house. All very worthwhile. Cadaques is absolutely beautiful. Spend a night or two if you can. I would think the bus is very reliable.

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8157 posts

I would say pretty darn reliable as we had advanced tickets to enter the Dali House at 4pm and made it in time with 30 minutes to spare. We took the bus to Cadaques from Figueras and walked the 20 minutes to Port Lligat where the Dali house is located toured the house and stayed the night got up at the crack dawn to catch a bus operated by the same company to Barcelona.

Posted by
3061 posts

Bus services in Catalonia tend to be quite reliable -traffic permitting, of course. Train service is another matter... if you are dependant on Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC), they're usually spot on, if you're talking about RENFE, the Spanish operator, they're a disaster, especially on commuting and regional services.