Anyone on this thread taking this trip? Interested in sharing tips, cabs, and possible tours for some of the destinations.
Have you visited Cruise Critic website? It is the TripAdvisor for cruising. Every cruise line has a 'board' or forums for questions, and part of the website includes 'roll call' for specific cruise dates so peoplecan get to know each other a little bit or ask similar questions to this. The Costa roll calls are a little difficult to find,but I found one post from last month and the original poster is also looking to share info or tours. Here is the link. You maybhave to join to post, but it is at leasta cruise relevant venue
Thanks, but I've checked there. I've used CC many times in the past with great results. For some unknown reason the Costa cruises don't seen to get much press/participation there. That's why I tried this forum.
It certainly was hard to find. I am also seeing comments that Roll Calls are not getting a lot of members these days. It can be hit and miss.
Good luck/