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Corpus Christi Feast and Parade in Toledo

I find myself very interested in the Corpus Christi Feast and Parade. I am uncertain if the parade is happening on Corpus Christi Day Thursday, May31st or the following Sunday June 3rd. Has anyone seen it? I have been a Catholic for a long time and I have never seen a Parade of this type. I know there is a place to buy tickets for seats along the parade route. Do you any opinions about attending this parade in Toledo? Thank you.

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27616 posts

Diane, I hope I'm not leading you astray here, but I was in Toledo on Thursday, May 26, 2106, and there was a significant parade. So significant that I had trouble getting back to my hotel to pick up my suitcase and head down to the bus station. So I think the parade you're looking for does take place on Thursday. But do try to verify that. I'm not religious so pretty oblivious to holidays like Corpus Christi. Unfortunately, I was worried enough about missing my bus that I don't really remember anything about the parade except that it resulted in an awful lot of blocked-off streets! I imagine that means it was quite a good parade.

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570 posts

Diane, in most place CC is celebrated on the Sunday, but in Toledo it is still on Thursday.

This is from the Toledo tourist office about the parade and fiestas. Thye have a map of the parade route to help you. I think that you will enjoy it. The pageantry and celebration is very different from the American catholic traditions, like the ones I remember from growing up in the Bay Area in the 70s.

In Logroño, for CC the varios cofradias make a sawdust "carpet" for the bishop as they start the procession. Also all the children who have made their first communion during May are invited to parade with the bishop in their communion dresses and suits.

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286 posts

In 2016 we were in Toledo and watched the Corpus Christi parade. The folks at our hotel told us that we could go to the Plaza Zocodover and buy tickets for seats to watch the parade. Which we did. We quite enjoyed the parade. I have some pictures about 1/2 the way through my Google pictures album from our trip to Spain.

When the folks who were in charge of the seating realized that we were American tourists they did their best to ensure that we enjoyed the parade.