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Connecting flights to Barcelona

Potentially flying from Cinci to Barcelona with one stop. Options for connecting flights include JFK and DeGaulle. Is one “better” than the other in terms of time needed, ease, etc.

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2267 posts

It can depend on the airline/terminal.

"JFK or CDG" suggests you're looking at Delta/AirFrance. In that case, I'd choose JFK, where the flights would both be on Delta metal—the connection would be all inside Terminal 4, and layovers as short as 1 hour are not unreasonable. Switching from Delta to Air France in CDG would be more cumbersome.

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107 posts

Yes, thank you for the tips. Flying from Cincinnati. Delta is the main option.

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612 posts

Consider JFK if you’re connecting from one Delta operated aircraft to another Delta operated aircraft. Transfers occur in one terminal. If you have to transfer from Delta operated to Air France operated then opt for the connection to be made at CDG. Delta and Air France use two completely different terminals at JFK which would require a landslide ride on the AirTrain and an additional TSA security experience. It is very easy to do but very inconvenient. Note - you may have additional security checks at CDG however most often you do not leave the complex. Some exceptions apply.