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Carta de Invatacion

Is there any information as to whether the Spanish authorities are actually implementing this? Information on line is very confusing.

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7013 posts

From the Ministry of the Interior, the immigration authorities may require that tourists present either a proof of reservation of accommodation or a letter of invitation if you are staying at someone's place.
So, in most cases, you do not need anything that you do not already have. Also, the level of scrunity for tourists from the USA is likely to be very low.

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2 posts

Would a letter from our family in Spain be sufficient? Looking at some web sites the cost of obtaining a letter from a police station is likely to be £70-80 each. A total of £210-240 for a 7 day trip. We are travelling from the UK. Does that make a difference?

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7013 posts

Apparently, your family in Spain would need to go to their local police station with a form: the details are below

and the form is here:

I have never been through this (I am an EU national), it is indeed expensive (75€ application fee + 10€ postage), and I suspect that it won't be checked in 99.99% of cases, but perhaps your family should check locally?

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6747 posts

More and more upon arrival in Europe I’ve been asked where I’m staying. I always keep my hotel reservations at hand in case I need to show the immigration official.

My wife and I wonder what would happen if we travelled without reservations like we used to.