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We'll be travelling by train this winter. There is no station in Cadaques. Is there an easier way to get to Cadaques other than train to Figueres and then an hour-long bus

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8157 posts

Nope, just the option of renting an auto and that ain't necessarily easier.
It is a good thing to some that a place seems not easy to get to some.

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3061 posts

Adding info: As said, there's no other way, either bus or taxi or renting a car. But be aware the road from Figueres to Cadaqués, especially the last stretch, is quite windy. If you're not used to driving in this sort of road, you're better off letting someone else do it for you (bus or taxi):

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27874 posts

The trip is also quite scenic, and a driver wouldn't get the full benefit of that.