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Buying train tickets in advance?

We (4 of us) are flying into Madrid and need to get to Cordoba -- I keep reading that I need to buy tickets in advance but how I can buy tickets for the high speed trains in advance since there is a chance that our flights will be delayed? Can anyone tell me how long it takes to get from the Madrid airport to the train station by bus or taxi?

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8279 posts

Yes, that is right: don't buy train tickets in advance when it involves going from a plane to a train on the same day (if you do buy them give yourself 4 hours to make the train or buy tickets that you can exchange for free if you miss your train); many that know how to get around and I have gambled doing this and have won more times than I've lost; but I never would risk losing the cost of 4 tickets.

Taking a taxi (that seems the best option for a party of 4 cost wise) it is estimated that it takes 15 minutes to get to Madrid Atocha Train Station from the airport

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5312 posts

You're right, it's generally not recommended to book train tickets for day of arrival for the reason you've mentioned, as well as other possible unforeseen delays ( passport control, baggage delay, etc..)

You may consider taking the Cercanías C1 or C10 (commuter train) directly from the airport (Terminal 4) to Puerta de Atocha's train station (journey time 29 minutes) where you will take the train to Córdoba.

When you buy your AVE train tickets to Córdoba (at the airport), this ticket includes a 'Combinado Cercanías' ticket, so you'll travel to Puerta de Atocha for free.

I do suggest booking other long distance train tickets in advance, especially if you want to save money by buying 'Promo' (discounted) tickets.

Have a wonderful trip!

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7 posts

Thank you for all of the great info -- I will stress a little less now about making an advance purchase for the day of arrival. I also appreciate the note about the free, included ticket from the airport to the train station!

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5312 posts

Madrid's Puerta de Atocha train station is HUGE, and I found it a bit confusing, especially since I was suffering from jet-lag.

If you take the Cercanías (marked by a red circle with a backward facing white "c" on the diagram) train to Atocha, you will arrive on the lower level- See diagram of Atocha train station.

The AVE train to Córdoba departs from the upper levels.
If you have trouble figuring out your way around, do ask any Renfe Representative (wearing a purple vest) for directions.

Here's a helpful website about this train station (although mostly in Spanish): Madrid Puerta de Atocha

Hope this helps.