Hello fellow travelers-
We are looking to book bus tickets from Sevilla to Ronda for late November but when we look to book, it says there are no busses available. What insight do you have on this?
Thank you!
How far out are you trying to book tickets for: https://damas-sa.es/? Try booking tickets with an Oct date to see if you can pull something up, I can.
There was another thread on DAMAS a few weeks ago- https://community.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/spain/damas-bus-company-ronda-to-seville-does-it-exist
You don't need to buy ahead, certainly not 6 or 7 weeks ahead. A day or two will do, even on the day of travel. That's what one of our very helpful and knowledgeable Spaniards says.
I was once unable to buy a same-day ticket on the bus I wanted to take from Bilbao to I-don't-remember-where-in-Spain. Those on tight schedules would be smart to buy bus tickets just a bit ahead of time. Also, be aware that holidays and festivals might increase demand.
There's no need to worry about late-November tickets now.
Thank you for the replies. It does indeed appear that the date is too far out, so we'll wait until our dates are closer to book the bus. I appreciate the advice from this group! 😁